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Suzanne Rene Richerson Missing Person News and Details

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Suzanne Rene Richerson Went Missing In Galveston Texas in October 1988

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: October 07, 1988

Circumstances: Richerson was last seen at work at approximately 6:00 AM on October 7, 1988 by resort security guards. Another employee who was sleeping in a room above Richerson's office heard a female scream shortly after the guards left the vicinity. A car door slammed shut, accompnaied by another scream and the sound of a car speeding away from the parking lot ahortly thereafter. A guest arrived at Richerson's office to check out at approximately 6:30 AM and discovered the desk was abandoned. There was no sign of a struggle and Richerson's purse, books and car were left at the resort. One of Richerson's shoes was located in the parking lot later in the morning, but she has never been seen again. Foul play is suspected.
First Name: Suzanne Rene
Middle Name: Rene
Last Name: Richerson


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 67.0 to
Weight: 135.0 to


City: Galveston
State: Texas
County: Galveston


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: small scar above right eyelid
Piercings: Pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue shirt, blue jeans skirt, tan shoes.
Footwear: tan shoes
Eyewear: Contacts (description not available).


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