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Eryk Krystyphyr Richards Missing Person News and Details

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Eryk Krystyphyr Richards Went Missing In Grand Isle Louisiana in September 2012

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Last seen alive: September 09, 2012

Circumstances: Eryk last spoke to a friend on 9/9/12 saying he was planning to kayak off the coast of Grand Isle the following day. On 9/10/12 around 1pm a fisherman saw a man in a kayak in the Gulf of Mexico and went to check on him. The man said he was fine and did not need a ride back to shore. A kayak matching Eryk's was found inverted in the water around 5pm the same day. His car was found parked near a marina in Grand Isle.
First Name: Eryk Krystyphyr
Middle Name: Krystyphyr
Last Name: Richards


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0 to
Weight: 190.0


City: Grand Isle
State: Louisiana
County: Jefferson


Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo of a cross (black outline) on upper left arm. Tattoo of a flaming skull (black) on right upper arm. Tattoo of a word on upper right back, only visible letters 'HA..E'.

Clothing and Accessories


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