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Bruce Falconer Went Missing In Bismarck North Dakota in February 1981

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: February 20, 1981

Circumstances: In February of 1981, Bruce Falconer was a newly promoted sergeant in the Marines, which he joined at age 16 with his mother's approval.
He was home in Bismarck on leave before being transferred to Yuma, Arizona. He spent his time on leave catching up with old friends, including Tim Jewell, his friend since grade school.
Falconer and Jewell went to a few bars on the night of February 20, 1981, then went in Falconer's Blazer to the 'Desert' south of Bismarck along the Missouri River after the bars closed.
A few days later, Falconer's uncle found Bruce's Blazer stuck at the Desert. Nearby was a campfire and cigarette butts.
Jewell's body was found in 1992 by a hunter, but Bruce has never been found. The Marines declared him dead five years after his disappearance. The coroner determined Jewell's likely cause of death was exposure.

First Name: Bruce
Last Name: Falconer


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 150.0


City: Bismarck
State: North Dakota
County: Burleigh


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: White Male with Blond Hair, Brown eyes - MARINE on leave
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: 2' Scar above Right Eye

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Pile lined blue jean jacket, tan shirt with a braid trim, white corduroy jeans
Footwear: Brown & white Cowboy Boots


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