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Leah Gail Johnson Missing Person News and Details

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Leah Gail Johnson Went Missing In Sayre Oklahoma in November 1970

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 20, 1970

Circumstances: On the night of November 20, 1970, Jimmy Allen Williams, Thomas Michael Rios, and Leah Gail Johnson were riding around Sayre, Oklahoma. When Jimmy left home for the evening he was supposed to be going to a football game in Elk City, Oklahoma, the possibility exist that he was going to go hunting on Turkey Creek road. The road referred to as Turkey Creek road is E1230 although the they could have been on E1220. (between N1810 and N1850)

The three kids never came home that night, and have not been located since. Also the 1969 Camaro has never been located. Jimmy’s Social Security number has never been used since that time and the vehicle identification number has never turned up.

First Name: Leah Gail
Middle Name: Gail
Last Name: Johnson


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: Native American
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 142.0


City: Sayre
State: Oklahoma
County: Beckham


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: dark brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Purple bell bottoms; brown shirt; brown leather coat.


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Camaro
Year: 1969
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: BK 3610
Tag State: Oklahoma
Blue with white top

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Recent Comments About This Profile
Vicki: I have two old photos of Leah Johnson who was my friend while my Dad was stationed at Altus AFB. They are dated Jun. 12, 1968.I would like to get them to the family. I need POC. Thank You
10 29, 2014 | 12:44
nat: This person was found dead in 2013 when their car was found. Close this case.
04 22, 2015 | 15:14
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