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Kenneth Leroy Strine Missing Person News and Details

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Kenneth Leroy Strine Went Missing In Milwaukie Oregon in

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
1997 DMV photo of Kenneth Leroy Strine. This photo does not depict the scarring on the left side of his face from a car accident.


Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: Mr. Kenneth Strine was last seen on October 28, 2012 around 4:30 p.m. at his residence. His caregiver last saw him when he was eating his dinner; she stated she went downstairs and performed some duties around the house, then checked for Mr. Strine at 7:00 p.m. She checked the entire house, including his bedroom, but could not locate him. On October 29, 2012 another resident at the care facility Mr. Strine lived at stated he had once seen Kenneth walking down towards the wetlands area near SE Harmony Road and SE Linwood Avenue. This area was searched briefly and no signs of Mr. Strine were found.
First Name: Kenneth Leroy
Middle Name: Leroy
Last Name: Strine


Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Milwaukie
State: Oregon
Zip: 97222
County: Clackamas


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Black to dark brown
Body Hair: dark
Facial Hair: dark
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Has a scar/deformity on the left side of his face from a car accident.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Grey sweatpants,dark colored hoodie, Dallas Cowboys jacket, dark blue stocking hat.
Footwear: Unknown


Did not own a vehicle. Only walked to the bank and a Texaco gas station for cigarettes when he traveled.

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