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Jaray Mickell Wilson Missing Person News and Details

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Jaray Mickell Wilson Went Missing In Weatherford Oklahoma in December 2012

Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: December 14, 2012

Circumstances: JaRay has a tattoo of a black owl on the right side of her abdomen and 'Lace Up' on her lower abdomen. Her lips are pierced and she has multiple piercings in both ears as well as gauges. When JaRay was last seen, her hair was dyed black with blonde streaks.
First Name: Jaray Mickell
Middle Name: Mickell
Last Name: Wilson


Age When Last Known Alive: 16
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 95.0


City: Weatherford
State: Oklahoma
Zip: 73096
County: Custer


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Hair is black with blonde streaks; natural hair is blonde
Eye: Green
Tattoos: tattoo of black owl and 'Lace Up' on lower right side of abdomen
Piercings: Several piercings in ears, 5/8 gauges, angel piercings on top lip
Other Distinctive: Left ear sticks out at top

Clothing and Accessories


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mm: jaray was murdered . today was suspect first court appearance.
07 01, 2014 | 01:10
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