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Kayla Chadwick Missing Person News and Details

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Kayla Chadwick Went Missing In Fort Morgan Colorado in

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: She may still be in the local area. Kayla's ears and tongue are pierced and she has a tattoo on one ankle. CAUTION: Kayla may possess a handgun and has threatened to harm herself or others. If located, use caution and immediately contact law enforcement.
First Name: Kayla
Last Name: Chadwick


Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0
Weight: 135.0


City: Fort Morgan
State: Colorado
County: Morgan


Hair: Red/Auburn
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo on one inside ankle
Piercings: Ears and tongue pierced

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black leggings with blue jeans over them, black spaghetti strap top with plaid shirt over it, black hoodie, black purse, jeans were torn over the leggings
Footwear: Black DC tennis shoes


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