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Steven Ciastko Missing Person News and Details

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Steven Ciastko Went Missing In Traverse City Michigan in

Actual photo
Public viewable
If seen on the street, this is probably how he would look

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Picture taken 12-15-2012

Actual photo
Public viewable
Full body shot taken 8-2012

Public viewable
Can see one of his arm tattoos here

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Picture taken 12-14-2012


Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: On 12/20/2012 he was kicked out of one of the places he was staying, into a blizzard with no money, food, or shelter. He built a shelter in the snow that night and slept outdoors, and on 12/21/2012 sent a text message to his girlfriend at 1:04pm that said 'I have no where to go it's a blizzard out here and things just keep getting worse idk if I'm gonna make it I'm sorry. I love you' and no one has heard from him since. He did not contact his children on Christmas, nor his mother, which is out of character.
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Ciastko


Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Traverse City
State: Michigan
County: Grand Traverse


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: keeps close shaven
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: both arms

Clothing and Accessories


Does not drive

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