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Tammy Cherie Ellis Missing Person News and Details

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Tammy Cherie Ellis Went Missing In Azle Texas in May 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: May 01, 2012

Circumstances: Also police had showed up at house girl screaming from gravel pit.(they went to house not gravel pit). She hasn't been seen since.
First Name: Tammy Cherie
Middle Name: CHERIE
Last Name: Ellis


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 61.0
Weight: 98.0


City: Azle
State: Texas
Zip: 76020
County: Tarrant


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Last seen had dyed hair red.
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoos lower stomach (flames),3 tattoos upper back ( Flames),(Butterfly middle),(Tribal),Tatoo left leg outer (Skull).

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
concerned citizen: With the yelling heard from the gravel pit, has any agency went back and checked it? You would think the family would push for more answers on why it has not been searched. I know she and her mom are very close so she would have contacted her if she could.
01 31, 2013 | 17:21
lostmom: This has me concerned. My childs father was murdered, by people she apparently knew, on big wood court. I hope you are safe tammy. I wish her family the best. My prayers are with all of you. (Was this "pit" located at big wood court? Or another residence?)
02 12, 2013 | 00:47
looking: Sorry to hear about your childs father. Tammy I believe did not know the people, was taken over by a person she knew. The gravel pit was search and I also searched it. There is a couple that lives there that the police never talk to, that told me about a girl screaming about that time back by gravel pit. They called Police. They showed up to house but did not check gravel pit out were screams were coming from. Guess they took the guy’s word. Go figure.
05 11, 2013 | 18:55
pete: Check out brett harmon I saw these to togeather after the missing pics went up like two days after thrn I never heard anything els about her or seen him until like a week ago at dollar General in azle he was very scitish and kept looking bdhind him thinking ppl were looking for him
12 27, 2014 | 14:52
heartsick: i heard in passing conversation,that she was abducted because of who her father was and they were going to hold her to get money from family and the ended up killing her by mistake and dumped the body in sand pit
01 07, 2015 | 19:47
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