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Antwan Devagio Bailey Missing Person News and Details

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Antwan Devagio Bailey Went Missing In Spartanburg South Carolina in

Facial/case ID
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Current photo of Antwan Bailey

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: Mr. Bailey was seen leaving his home at approximately 0900 hrs, on Thanksgiving morning (11-22-12)and getting into a gold Toyota Camry, with a known subject. The two were allegedly going to look at a car for Mr. Bailey to buy. The driver stated he dropped Mr. Bailey back off at his residence at 1130 hrs, but no one seen the vehicle or Mr. Bailey return. Mr. Bailey has not been seen since. According to his family, this is out of character for Mr. Bailey. He has never left his home before, without his friends or family knowing his whereabouts.
First Name: Antwan Devagio
Middle Name: Devagio
Last Name: Bailey


Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Spartanburg
State: South Carolina
Zip: 29306
County: Spartanburg


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Usually wears a low hair cut, but at the time of his disappearance, he was letting it grow out. According to his mother, he was able to use a pick to comb the top.
Body Hair: Small amount of black body hair.
Facial Hair: Small amount of black body hair.
Eye: Black
Tattoos: Inside of both forearms, Antwan Bailey had BROTHER'S on one arm (unsure which) and kEEPER'S on the other arm.
Piercings: Left ear pierced, but did not have an earing in his ear at the time of his disappearance.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Mr. Bailey was wearing a black T-shirt and black coveralls (long sleeve).
Footwear: Black and white Nike Air Force One's.
Jewelry: No jewelry
Eyewear: Brown plastic framed glasses
Accessories: No accessories


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: Camry
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Gold
Tag Number: 6483FX
This was the vehicle Mr. Bailey was picked up with on 11-22-12, at approximately 0900 hrs. Per investigation, Mr. Bailey could have only been in the vehicle from 0900 hrs to 1130 hrs. After 1130, we have found that Mr. Bailey was no longer in that vehicle.

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