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Charles Thomas Overstreet Missing Person News and Details

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Charles Thomas Overstreet Went Missing In Conway South Carolina in November 2005

Actual photo
Public viewable
2002 DL photo


Last seen alive: November 19, 2005

Circumstances: Charles Overstreet was last seen by family members in November 2005. He has not been seen since, his vehicle was found abandoned on an Interstate in Fayetteville.

First Name: Charles Thomas
Middle Name: Thomas
Last Name: Overstreet


Age When Last Known Alive: 40
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Conway
State: South Carolina
Zip: 29527
County: Horry


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blond usually, dark roots. Very high hairline.
Body Hair: Thick black chest hair.
Facial Hair: Thick black chest hair.
Eye: Blue
Other Distinctive: Had scoliosis, curvature of the spine as a child, corrected with back brace. It causes him to walk a little oddly. His feet turn out slightly.
Skeletal Information: Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) wore a brace for years. He manages the pain in his bones by lifting weights occasionally. Suffered facial trauma, perhaps a broken nose, from an assault. Traumatic head injury as a young child (age 7) requiring prolonged hospitalization.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Grey jogging pants and a white t-shirt
Footwear: barefoot
Jewelry: Usually wore gold and ruby masonic ring, shell necklace or arrowhead necklace, occasionally wore a watch.


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: Corolla
Style: Hatchback
Vehicle Color: White
Vehicle located abandoned and returned to family. Vehicle was recovered in Fayetteville.

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