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Cedric Lee Wright Missing Person News and Details

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Cedric Lee Wright Went Missing In Bristow Oklahoma in November 2001

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: November 24, 2001

Circumstances: Unknown. Cedric had been at an acquaintance's residence near Hwy 48, approximately 10 miles outside of Bristow, OK. The occupants of the home have indicated that Cedric allegedly stated that he was leaving town for a couple of days and asked to leave his vehicle at their residence. They claim that Cedric was last seen leaving with two unknown individuals in a white extended cab pickup truck with dark tinted windows. Cedric's cell phone, coat, and keys were left in the vehicle.
First Name: Cedric Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Wright


Age When Last Known Alive: 24
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 200.0


City: Bristow
State: Oklahoma
County: Creek


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Black
Eye: Black
Tattoos: Faded tattoo of the word 'C-Dog' with the initials 'W.S.' in very small writing on upper right arm
Piercings: left ear pierced

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: Possibly wearing a 'gold nugget' or a 'dollar sign' earring in left ear. Possibly wearing a silver chain with pendant of 'Jesus' carrying the cross.


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Recent Comments About This Profile
jelly: i think the aquaintances killed him and hid the body probably at the wild life refuge didnt anyone investigate?
04 18, 2013 | 03:18
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