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Sunil Kumar Tripathi Missing Person News and Details

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Sunil Kumar Tripathi Went Missing In Providence Rhode Island in

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This is what he was last seen wearing!

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This is what he was last seen wearing!

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Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: Sunil Tripathi, a 22-year-old Brown University student on approved leave, has been declared missing since 3/16/13.
He was last seen on Saturday at 1:36am leaving his Angell Street apartment. He left home on foot, leaving behind his wallet, and cell phone. It is believed that he has very little money on his person.

We, the family, and the Providence Police Department in cooperation with Brown University PD and the FBI began the search for Tripathi on Sunday, 3/17/13, calling area hospitals and shelters, conducting foot patrols in and around the East Side of Providence, studying phone records and visiting places where Sunil has frequented in the past.

We have created a Facebook page at 'Help us find Sunil Tripathi' where you can help us by printing flyers, follow updates on where and how these efforts are being coordinated and how you can join us.

Providence is not a big city, so every pair of eyes and ears counts.

If you have any information about our Sunny, please call Det. Mark Sacco with the Providence Police at (401) 641-8691.

First Name: Sunil Kumar
Middle Name: Kumar
Last Name: Tripathi


Race: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Providence
State: Rhode Island
Zip: 02906
County: Providence


Hair: Black
Head Hair: buzz cut on 2/27/13
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: small brown round birthmark (like a raised mole) on right cheek;very faint scar horizontal on abdomen an inch or two above belly button; crescent moon shaped raised scar on back of right hand

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: last seen with black wool philadelphia eagles beanie, black EMS ski jacket, possible dark hoodie underneath. He had on light washed blue jeans and running shoes
Footwear: running shoes, size 12 or 13
Eyewear: thin rimmed oval black glasses



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