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Kara Elise Kopetsky Missing Person News and Details

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Kara Elise Kopetsky Went Missing In Belton Missouri in May 2007

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 04, 2007

Circumstances: Kara was last seen on security video leaving Belton High School approximately 10:30am to skip 3rd period, which she did quite often. She did not return to school and has not been seen since. She had called her mother earlier that morning on her cell phone to bring her a school book and to ask her to wash her work clothes since she had to work that night. Her debit card was left in her school locker. The cell phone and her purse are missing. Also left behind at her house were all of her clothing, an entire carton of cigarettes minus one pack and the iPod she had just gotten at Christmas.
First Name: Kara Elise
Middle Name: Elise
Last Name: Kopetsky


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0
Weight: 110.0


City: Belton
State: Missouri
Zip: 64012
County: Cass


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown at time of disappearance, but she changed the col
Body Hair: Unknown
Facial Hair: Unknown
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: scar on forehead
Piercings: ears done twice each; navel/belly button

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: blue jeans; black studded belt; gray t-shirt with white skulls on it; black and gray Vans sneakers with bleach spots; black leather hobo style purse
Footwear: Black and gray Vans sneakers
Jewelry: earrings, two sets; navel ring
Eyewear: None


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