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Francisco Fidencio-reyes Missing Person News and Details

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Francisco Fidencio-reyes Went Missing In Waco Texas in

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Last seen alive: , at :

Circumstances: Francisco Fidencio-Reyes was homeless and possibly living under a bridge near S.17th or S.18th and Webster Ave. No one has seen him since January 2013.
First Name: Francisco
Last Name: Fidencio-reyes


Race: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Male
Height: 63.0 to
Weight: 110.0 to


City: Waco
State: Texas
County: Mclennan


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on one of his forearms.
Finger And Toe Nails: Maybe missing or have mangled fingertip, known which hand.

Clothing and Accessories


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