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Keith Kenton King Missing Person News and Details

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Keith Kenton King Went Missing In Seligman Arizona in May 2006

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID




Last seen alive: May 07, 2006

Circumstances: Unknown. Keith was last seen at approximately 9:00am at his residence in the vicinity of Holloway Hollow and Williamson Valley Rd. in a remote area of Seligman, AZ. King was reported missing by a friend who told authorities that he was last seen on May 7, 2006, when the local resident gave him a ride home after King's truck reportedly broke down. The truck was subsequently found abandoned by the railroad tracks on the west side of Seligman. Possible medical condition, King suffers from some mental illness and may be disoriented or confused.
First Name: Keith Kenton
Middle Name: Kenton
Last Name: King


Age When Last Known Alive: 46
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Seligman
State: Arizona
County: Yavapai


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo of 'Hot Stuff' cartoon devil approximately 4' tall on upper right arm with writing or a blacked out banner below and a tattoo of the name 'Karen' above it.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: White T-shirt with writing or an unknown logo on it, gray pants, flip flops or sandals.
Footwear: Flip flops or sandals.


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