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Jeffrey Frederick Ervin Kolden Missing Person News and Details

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Jeffrey Frederick Ervin Kolden Went Missing In Morenci Arizona in June 2002

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 08, 2002

Circumstances: Unknown. Jeffrey left his residence to go to a local Circle K store. He was last seen driving approx. a 1/2 mile S. of Morenci on Reservation Rd. in the direction of the San Francisco River. His blue pick up truck was located the next day, June 9th, in the river but it has been determined that it is unlikely he drowned.
His car was returned with his billfold, check book and wristwatch on the 9th also by a friend that had borrowed it the night one has heard from him since.

First Name: Jeffrey Frederick Ervin
Middle Name: Frederick Ervin
Last Name: Kolden


Age When Last Known Alive: 30
Race: Native American
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 165.0 to


City: Morenci
State: Arizona
County: Greenlee


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown full head of hair
Eye: Brown
Skeletal Information: broke right arm when he was a child

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: White T-shirt with an 'American flag' emblem, dark blue army fatigue pants, white socks with 'Hanes' emblem across toes, 'Diamondbacks' baseball cap
Footwear: Black combat boots
Eyewear: Sunglasses
Accessories: 'Diamondbacks' baseball cap


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: C/K 1500
Year: 1985
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag State: Arizona
pick-up found at river so he was believed to be on foot

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