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Jeffery Ziobron Went Missing In Deep River Connecticut in May 2013


Last seen alive: May 02, 2013

Circumstances: Ziobron was distraught over the recent loss of his mother and he was not able to afford the residence they lived in together and had to move out. The morning before he went missing Zibron's daughter reported finding all of her father's personal belongings left in her driveway with a note on the driveway that said 'It's ok'. Ziobron had talked of suicide in the past by means of a firearm and normally carried a handgun on his person. Ziobron's vehicle was found in Colchester CT in a commuter lot off Rte-2 exit 16 unoccupied. A K-9 search revealed a pair of work boots found in a wooded area less than a half mile from the vehicle. The work boots were confirmed to be Ziobron's by his daughter. A further k-9 search of the area and subsequent dive team search of the Salmon River revealed no further evidence or Ziobron.
First Name: Jeffery
Last Name: Ziobron


Age When Last Known Alive: 57
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 150.0


City: Deep River
State: Connecticut
County: Middlesex


Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Mole on forehead

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Long sleeve shirt (color unknown)and blue jeans. He would wear the same type outfit everyday.
Footwear: Unknown, tan work boots were located in the woods near his vehicle.
Eyewear: Glasses


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: Camry
Year: 2009
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Tan
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 1AAF3
Tag State: Connecticut
Expiration Year: 2014
Vehicle was located in the Exit 16 commuter lot off Rte 2 in Colchester
Airline: n/a
Bus: n/a

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