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Catherine Denise Ford Missing Person News and Details

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Catherine Denise Ford Went Missing In Gorman Maryland in July 1968

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Last seen alive: July 20, 1968

Circumstances: On the morning of Wednesday, 17 February 1988, the victim, Catherine Ford, a resident of Maryland, received a call from a man claiming to be a magistrate at Mt. Storm, in Grant County, West Virginia. The man wanted Ms. Ford to meet him at his office at 3:00 p.m. the same day, to discuss some checks. Later that day, a man claiming to be an undercover officer called Ms. Ford with information concerning a possible investigation of her family's restaurant by the liquor licensing authorities. Ms. Ford told her family and the restaurant employees to check identifications before selling beer, and then left the restaurant to meet with the alleged undercover officer. Ms. Ford drove her Ford Bronco on route 50 into Grant County, and turned off at the Bismark Road. She has not been seen since.
First Name: Catherine Denise
Middle Name: Denise
Last Name: Ford


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 69.0
Weight: 140.0


City: Gorman
State: Maryland
County: Garrett


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Shoulder length
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Discolored right arm, birthmark under armpit.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black leather coat, black sweater, stone-washed blue jeans.
Jewelry: ring, size 5 1/2 14 kt gold - 3 diamond rings, half kt pear, 8 kt one fourh kt surrounded by chips


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: 300 Series
Year: 1986
Vehicle Color: Silver and Blac
On 8 March 1988, the Ford Bronco in which Cathy Ford was last seen was found burned and hidden in brush near the river, off the Bismark Road. The people who found the Bronco knew to look there because they heard that smoke was seen hanging over the river on 17 February 1988. Experts determined that the fire was deliberate arson.

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