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Timothy Soloman Geren Missing Person News and Details

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Timothy Soloman Geren Went Missing In Modesto California in March 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 22, 2012

Circumstances: Timothy Geren was reported missing to Modesto PD on 04/02/2012. MP was last seen on 03/22/12 @ 2100hrs walking westbound Hillside Dr toward Empire Ave. On the day of his disappearance MP was just released from Stanislaus County jail earlier in the day. He told family members he was going around the corner to see a neighbor who lived on Empire Ave and have not been seen or heard from since.
First Name: Timothy Soloman
Middle Name: Soloman
Last Name: Geren


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Modesto
State: California
Zip: 95354
County: Stanislaus


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Chest: 2316, peckerwood, faces & webs
Right arm: Anatashia,
Left arm: Ashley
Back: Randle
Neck: Modesto, Rosalie, Gail
Right Calf: Skull with gas mask & clown
Stomach: Modesto

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Polor shirt and blue jeans with shoelace holding the front of the jeans together
Jewelry: Silver bulky ring and unknown necklace


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