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Pamela Jane Page Missing Person News and Details

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Pamela Jane Page Went Missing In Peoria Arizona in July 1989

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 21, 1989

Circumstances: Unknown. Pamela was last seen by an employee of a video store that she owned with her husband, Robert Brooks Page, in Glendale AZ at approximately 8:30PM on July 21, 1989. The following morning,July 22nd she did not show up for work and her husband reported she was ill. Later that day the husband, Robert Page, returned to the video store handing an employee a note allegedly left by Pamela. The note stated that she was having marital problems and she,(Pamela), had left the area with a friend. She also indicated that she took $60,000 in cash and would not be returning.
Robert Brooks Page claims that she disappeared from their home between the hours of 8AM and 4PM on July 22nd while he was out. A search indicated that Pamela's identification and jewelry had been left at the residence. It is also indicated in the note that she drove their yellow 1981 Corvette to a unknown donut shop parking lot in Phoenix AZ. The vehicle was recovered approx. three days later by the husband. Robert Page admitted to fabricating this part of the note and staged the location of the vehicle. Pamela remains missing foul play is strongly suspected.

First Name: Pamela Jane
Middle Name: Jane
Last Name: Page


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Peoria
State: Arizona
County: Maricopa


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Red
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Mole near her nose, two moles on front of her neck, small scar under chin.

Clothing and Accessories


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