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Donna Gail Harris Missing Person News and Details

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Donna Gail Harris Went Missing In Chesterfield Couny Virginia in April 1991

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: April 05, 1991

Circumstances: Harris, a divorced mother, dropped off her 11 year old son at her mother's house to run errands. She left the residence, located in the 2100 block of Turner Road on April 5, 1991, at approximately 11:00 a.m. She left for the Cloverleaf Mall driving her silver 1984 Honda Prelude, Virginia Registration Number TJL368.
The next day, family members located her vehicle, abandoned behind The Cloverleaf Mall in the 7500 block of Cloverleaf Drive in Chesterfield County. The vehicle was locked and parked near the power lines with the emergency flashers on. Her pocketbook was missing from the vehicle.
She resided in the 10100 block of Remora Drive. She was an employee of Virginia Power.

First Name: Donna Gail
Middle Name: Gail
Last Name: Harris


Age When Last Known Alive: 35
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 102.0


City: Chesterfield Couny
State: Virginia
County: Chesterfield


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Hazel
Piercings: Pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Turquoise shirt and blue jeans
Footwear: White leather Keds tennis shoes


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Sheryl : This lady was found in fairfax county which is a little over a hundred miles. ME/C Case Number: N1993-37273 Fairfax County, Virginia 26 to 34 year old White Female, Could it be Donna?
02 16, 2015 | 21:40
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