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Jean Koske Czarnecki Missing Person News and Details

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Jean Koske Czarnecki Went Missing In Trenton New Jersey in November 1966

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
1952 class picture.


Last seen alive: November 01, 1966

Circumstances: According to family, Jean disappeared without explanation. Family is unsure if it was reported to the police. Police in Trenton and Ewing cannot find any missing persons (or other) report on the case.
First Name: Jean Koske
Middle Name: Koske
Last Name: Czarnecki


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 120.0


City: Trenton
State: New Jersey
Zip: 08618-3533
County: Mercer


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Straight brown hair
Body Hair: Normal
Facial Hair: Normal
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: 1. Scar from scraping leg scar with a garden tool on the side of her left or right knee.
2. Vaccination mark on or near one of her knees.

Other Distinctive: Medium build.

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Hal Brown: We researched this lead and determined that Jean Koske (Czarnecki) Pierce passed away in Hamilton, NJ in 2010, which was verified with the Social Security Administration.
12 06, 2014 | 10:51
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