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Payton Yutanna Rayne Garcia Missing Person News and Details

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Payton Yutanna Rayne Garcia Went Missing In Myrtle Creek Oregon in July 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 10, 2012

Circumstances: Per law enforcement - Custodial Interference. Father has been awarded full custody of the child. Child's mother, Sara Garcia, took the child and fled.
First Name: Payton Yutanna Rayne
Middle Name: Yutanna Rayne
Last Name: Garcia


Age When Last Known Alive: 3
Race: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 36.0
Weight: 45.0


City: Myrtle Creek
State: Oregon
County: Douglas


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Shoulder length, curly
Eye: Brown
Skeletal Information: club left foot, points outward

Clothing and Accessories


Year: 2007
Style: Pickup
Tag Number: 878CKD
Tag State: Oregon
2007 Dodge Dually pickup, silver in color

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Recent Comments About This Profile
Kelly: Payton was with her mommy who had custody. the father who is a known abuser is friends with the judge and law. they helped his take Payton from her mommy and they are not allowed to see or talk to each other. How is this protecting Payton. You helped destroy Payton and her mom.. You should find out the truth before you help abusers take innocent children to continue to destroy there lives. Sara and Payton will never be the same again, we pray she will live to see her mommy again..
02 10, 2015 | 15:35
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