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Kelly Bergh Dove Went Missing In Harrisonburg Virginia in June 1982

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: June 18, 1982

Circumstances: Dove disappeared from her job at the old Imperial gas station on South Main Street, near Dukes Plaza, early on the morning of June 18, 1982.
Dove's three sisters all worked at the Imperial station, then the lone building on an isolated stretch of road about a mile south of the James Madison University campus. On Thursday night, June 17, Dove agreed to trade with one of her sisters and work the overnight shift.
After midnight on June 18, Dove called Harrisonburg police to report that a man driving a silver Ford had been harassing her. In a second call, she reported the man had come in and had been adressed improperly.She'd received a threatening phone call, and when she called police a third time, just before 2:30 a.m., she sounded panicked. Please hurry, she said. He's back.
Police arrived at the station just two minutes after Dove's third call, but they found only her purse and a magazine she'd been reading undisturbed on the counter. Dove was gone.

First Name: Kelly Bergh
Middle Name: Bergh
Last Name: Dove


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: White
Sex: Female


City: Harrisonburg
State: Virginia
County: Rockingham


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


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