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Kyle Allan Mosher Missing Person News and Details

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Kyle Allan Mosher Went Missing In Garfield Township Michigan in July 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
MI Ops


Last seen alive: July 19, 2013

Circumstances: Kyle Mosher was last seen at the site of a pickup truck that got stuck in the woods in Kalkaska County. Extensive ground and air searches were conducted for Kyle.
First Name: Kyle Allan
Middle Name: Allan
Last Name: Mosher


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 165.0


City: Garfield Township
State: Michigan
County: Kalkaska


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short
Eye: Green
Tattoos: 'Layla' on right side of neck
'Calli' on right side of torso, with a diamond near the bottom. 'Face' above right knee, 'Praying hands' back of left arm, many other tattoos as well

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Black ribbed tank top and Adidas brand shorts-dark colored
Footwear: Black Flip Flops


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Recent Comments About This Profile
anthony thompson: calli was on my old fb account man omg kyle bro its bazza a added you man but a never knew you were missing kyles a great lad who is caring +funny a miss him man now a was looking at kentucky missing cos my lilbro knows a pal who missing in martin calli message me bro pls if your out there
09 07, 2013 | 21:59
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