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Charlene Azzaro Missing Person News and Details

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Charlene Azzaro Went Missing In Pompano Beach Florida in August 2013

Actual photo
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tried to post 2 but computer illiterate

Actual photo
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tried to post 2 but computer illiterate

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: August 18, 2013

Circumstances: Charlene was last seen at her identical twins sisters house.
First Name: Charlene
Last Name: Azzaro


Age When Last Known Alive: 56
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 61.0 to
Weight: 85.0 to


City: Pompano Beach
State: Florida
Zip: 33069
County: Broward


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: brown / reddish died has gray
Body Hair: brown and heavily haired always arms etc
Facial Hair: brown and heavily haired always arms etc
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: brain craniotomy from hematoma February 2008 with an incision on her skull. Knee surgery
Piercings: ears are both pierced
Finger And Toe Nails: baby finger on one hand no nail due to injury from 4 years old
Skeletal Information: small frame 5' 1' to 5' 3' 85 to 90 lbs

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: probably jeans and a t shirt
Footwear: sandals
Jewelry: a large 3 diamond (probably 3 carat) ring she wore all the time
Eyewear: wore glasses designer name blue?
Accessories: necklaces light gold


Vehicle Make: Nissan
Vehicle Model: Maxima
Year: 2000
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Gold
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: BJUW60
Tag State: Florida
Expiration Year: 2013
front right passenger quarter dent from accident 1 yr ago. a scuff in front from her hitting vehicle. Spare donut tire, filled with all her belongings

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