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Hazel Alice Klug Missing Person News and Details

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Hazel Alice Klug Went Missing In Henrico Virginia in May 1986

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 20, 1986

Circumstances: Klug, a title researcher for a Richmond law firm, spoke to a co-worker whom she was dating on the phone around 11:30 PM on May 20, 1986 from her home in the Crestview area of Richmond, VA. It was a normal conversation and Klug gave no indication that anything was wrong. Klug did not report to her workplace the next day, May 21. The police searched her home and discovered that her dog and her vehicle were both at the house, as were almost all her personal belongings, including clothing, makeup and jewelry. The only items missing were Ms. Klug's purse and a suitcase.
First Name: Hazel Alice
Middle Name: Alice
Last Name: Klug


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0
Weight: 117.0


City: Henrico
State: Virginia
Zip: 23226
County: Henrico


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue
Deformities: Slight scoliosis of spine
Scars And Marks: Appendix scar on abdomen, small freckle birthmark under left breast, small wart on left side of nose
Piercings: Pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Multi-colored hooded sweatshirt (blue/white/red) with 'PONY' written on the front
Jewelry: 14 karat gold monogram filigree (signet) ring on middle finger bearing initials 'HAK.' One-third karat marquis-cut sapphite surrounded by diamonds, with a white gold band and possible matching necklace. Yellow gold 'pinky' ring with a round sapphire surrounded by two diamonds. Analog-style watch with a black face and a diamond shaped case watch, band is tri-colored gold consisting of yellow, white, and pink colors. Possible small earrings. Possible opal ring
Accessories: Possible purse


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