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Raymond Lee Dampier Missing Person News and Details

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Raymond Lee Dampier Went Missing In Ferguson Missouri in November 2012

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 22, 2012

Circumstances: Raymond was last seen on November 22, 2012. He may travel to California. Raymond has a scar on his forehead.
First Name: Raymond Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Dampier


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Ferguson
State: Missouri
County: St. Louis


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Short
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on forehead

Clothing and Accessories


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Recent Comments About This Profile
Nicole Dampier: I am writing this letter to bring awareness to your organization concerning the Ferguson police department and its recent racially motivated crimes being committed against African American youths. These acts raise many questions that leave parents such as myself with many incomplete and vague answers as to the whereabouts of our children. How can this department be trusted to complete a thorough investigation of missing black youths when they employ officers that perpetrate such heinous acts. Almost two years ago I flew from Los Angeles California to the state of Missouri in order to officially file a missing person report for my son Raymond Lee Dampier Jr. The police department to address this issue with was the Ferguson Police dept according to the address my son apparently disappeared from. Upon my arrival to the station, I was greeted with loathly and disconcerting demeanors. While at the station, I was shown a copy of the missing person report that my son’s father had filed within 48 hours of my son disappearing. In the report, derogatory statements had been made towards the character and mental stability of my son. I was never contacted by anyone from the police station as to the whereabouts of my son nor to confirm or refute the statements that were placed in the missing person report. After stating the facts as to the probable reason why my son disappeared, I was shifted off to the detective that was apparently handling my son’s case. Once in contact with this person, I was given several disturbing and fathomless scenarios as to the disappearance of my son. After refuting all the guesstimates by the detective, I offered factual insight as to why my son had disappeared and persons that might be responsible for his disappearance. These facts were consistently ignored, and replaced by stereotyped objections that were not appropriate in this or any case. Due to the intolerable views from the detective that was in charge of my son’s case, I decided to disassociate myself from the Ferguson police department and vigorously attempt to conduct my own investigation in the disappearance of my son. However, to date, I was left with an uneasiness and dissatisfaction with the entire Ferguson police department with their so called investigation into my child’s disappearance.
08 10, 2014 | 22:45
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