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Keyon Jontee Henry Missing Person News and Details

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Keyon Jontee Henry Went Missing In Montebello California in December 2012

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Last seen alive: December 26, 2012

Circumstances: On 12-25-13 M/P Jontee was helping his girlfriend wrap xmas gifts. They later went to sleep in different rooms. When the girlfriend woke up, Jontee had left. The girlfriend has talked to Jontee on several occasions but he wont tell her where he is and will not contact the police to advise them of his whereabouts.
First Name: Keyon Jontee
Middle Name: Jontee
Last Name: Henry


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Montebello
State: California
County: Los Angeles


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Left arm poem. Right arm Janae

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Gray Sweatshirt Black wool coat
Footwear: red/white jorden shoes


Vehicle Make: Chrysler
Vehicle Model: 300
Year: 2005
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Silver and Blac
Tag State: California
Expiration Year: 2013

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