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Gregory Owen Bacon Missing Person News and Details

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Gregory Owen Bacon Went Missing In Edmonds Washington in September 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Washington State Driver's License photograph. This photograph may have been taken 04/2009 as that is when the license was issued


Last seen alive: September 22, 2013

Circumstances: Business Partner reported Bacon missing on 09/23/2013. Bacon was believed to be very depressed prior to his disappearance. He was also believed to be in possession of handgun and headed to Montana.
First Name: Gregory Owen
Middle Name: Owen
Last Name: Bacon


Age When Last Known Alive: 66
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 195.0


City: Edmonds
State: Washington
Zip: 98026
County: Snohomish


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Bacon is very particular about his hair. He keeps it short (business like), trimmed around the ears and neck.
He is known to own his own hair trimming kit and trimmed it often

Body Hair: His back is relatively hair free, but has chest hair/belly hair. Otherwise has what would be condsidered a normal amount of body hair.
Facial Hair: His back is relatively hair free, but has chest hair/belly hair. Otherwise has what would be condsidered a normal amount of body hair.
Eye: Blue
Finger And Toe Nails: Always had an issue with fungus on his finger and toe nails. His fingernails always looked beat up. It looked like someone took a hammer to each one of his nails. Recently reported to have lost two fingernails due to the issue.
Other Distinctive: May still have a EXTRA white spot on ONE of his two front upper teeth.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Dark colored coat.


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: F150
Year: 2002
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Gray
Tag Number: A20541P
Tag State: Washington
Expiration Year: 2013
Bacon's vehicle was found abandoned on 10/30/2013 in Granite County, Montana.

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Steve Nourse : Has he been found to date?
03 01, 2015 | 19:02
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