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Geraldine Largay Went Missing In Rangeley Maine in July 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 21, 2013 at 07:15

Circumstances: Geraldine Largay spent the night of July 21 at the Poplar Ridge lean-to in Redington Township, and planned to meet her husband on July 23 in Wyman Township, where Route 27 intersects with the trail, but she never arrived. She’d hiked more than 900 miles of the northern section of the trail, had just crossed from New Hampshire into Maine’s western mountains, and was about 200 miles from the summit of Mount Katahdin, the trail’s end, when she disappeared. Largay was last heard from on July 22, when she sent a text message to her husband who was tracking her progress and meeting up with her at checkpoints as she hiked the northern half of the 2,179-mile trail.
First Name: Geraldine
Last Name: Largay


Age When Last Known Alive: 66
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 110.0 to


City: Rangeley
State: Maine
County: Franklin


Hair: Sandy
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue kerchief, red long sleeve shirt, tan shorts
Footwear: Hiking boots
Accessories: Blue pack, black backpack, tent, sleeping bag, supplies


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