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Rodney Lynn Kiser Went Missing In Hazel Mountain Section Virginia in April 1990

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: April 26, 1990

Circumstances: Rodney Kiser, was last seen on April 26, 1990.
Kiser lived on Hazel Mountain about 1/2 mile from the old fire tower. He lived off the main road in a mobile home.
Kiser worked in Trammel, not far from where he lived. He ran H&G Market, which was owned by his brother. Before he started running the store, Kiser had been a sheriff's deputy.
He owned property down the road from where he lived. On that land were another mobile home, in which he had once lived, a large old storage building and several inoperative cars.
Kiser collected many junk cars, and he spent a lot of time working on them, salvaging parts. So he visited the property often. He was headed in that direction when his sister last saw him.
When Kiser didn't return home and didn't show up to run his store, his family became worried.
A girlfriend of Kiser's said he had left on a trip to Alexandria to visit his brother. But he never showed up at his brother's home in Alexandria.
His pickup was found on May 4, 1990, parked at his old place. Keys to the vehicle, a tan, 1983 Dodge Ram 150 pickup, were in the ignition, and the driver's window was partially rolled down. A small brown case was found under the seat. In the case was Kiser's checkbook, some cash and food stamps from his store deposit and a few other items. His gun, a .357 Magnum, which his family claims he always kept with him, was missing, however. It has never been found.
Traces of blood were found in a room built on the back of his old mobile home, but it was never determined if the blood belonged to Kiser. Money has never been withdrawn from Kiser's checking and savings accounts.
2 agencies investigating:
Dickenson County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Bobby Hammons 276-926-1600
Virginia State Police First Sgt. Roger M. Owens 276/762-2112

First Name: Rodney Lynn
Middle Name: Lynn
Last Name: Kiser


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 145.0


City: Hazel Mountain Section
State: Virginia
County: Dickenson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown/auburn. Curly. Collar-to shoulder-length
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue cap and jeans and an orange t-shirt


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