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David Frank Godwin Missing Person News and Details

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David Frank Godwin Went Missing In Middletown Connecticut in October 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
front face


Last seen alive: October 14, 2013

Circumstances: Left Florida on October 7th. unusual as I was not told - normally when he was going out of town he let me know when and where he was going and when he planned to return -- I last spoke with him on Friday October 11th and found he was in CT. Last contact with him for me and his friends was Wednesday October 16th.
First Name: David Frank
Middle Name: Frank
Last Name: Godwin


Age When Last Known Alive: 65
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Middletown
State: Connecticut
County: Middlesex


Hair: White
Head Hair: just normal man's haircut short and neat
Body Hair: not much
Facial Hair: not much
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: most likely jeans and t shirt
Footwear: normally rockport or other good walking shoe
Jewelry: did not normally wear
Eyewear: wheres large frame glasses - think they are trifocals but are at lease bbifocals


sold vehicle before he left Florida so no vehicle this time. Believe he left Florida on the train and used trains and busses while in CT and New York

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