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Ronal Estuardo Sanchez Gramajo Missing Person News and Details

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Ronal Estuardo Sanchez Gramajo Went Missing In Nogales Arizona in June 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: June 21, 2013

Circumstances: Ronal called his wife on June 21st or 22. According to one of the guides, Ronal was very tired and didn’t want to walk anymore—he wanted to turn himself in. The guide says that they gave him a cell phone and told him to call 911, but to wait about 4 hours to give the rest of the group a chance to get away. The group was apprehended a short time later on June 24th or 25th, and one of them (also a coyote) told the wife that they heard BP mention that they had apprehended their other member, which would had been Ronal. His wife has not heard from Ronal, and has been unable to confirm his apprehension or whether he is in any detention center
First Name: Ronal Estuardo
Middle Name: Estuardo
Last Name: Sanchez Gramajo


Age When Last Known Alive: 28
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Nogales
State: Arizona
County: Pima


Hair: Black
Head Hair: straight, short, clipper #2 on sides, longer on top
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: some light scars from acne are present on nose and cheeks

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Pant description: blue jeans Pant size: 30x30
Shirt description: orange short-sleeved polo shirtShirt size: M
Personal effects: carried an ID with his name, orange and blue and gray striped backpack, white Adidas jacket, brown rosary

Footwear: Shoe description: gray and white tennis shoesShoe size: 8.5 US


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