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Robert James Farrell Missing Person News and Details

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Robert James Farrell Went Missing In Lunenburg Massachusetts in August 2013

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Last seen alive: August 02, 2013

Circumstances: He was home with 2 other people. The other people left the room for just a few minutes and when they came back Bob was gone. They looked all over the house and outside but couldn't find him. He didn't have a car so he didn't drive anywhere. They saw his house keys, wallet, ID, debit card and all personal belongings were still there. All he left with was some cash and also 2 bottles of prescription medication. The Lunenburg police were contacted right away. A little while later they found a notebook in which he had left a suicide note. A missing persons case was opened on August 2, 2013 (that same day). Police have searched some areas of woods with cadaver dogs but to date, they haven't found him. A Facebook page has been created in hopes that maybe someone who saw him after 8/2 will come forward. The page is called 'Finding Bob Farrell'.
First Name: Robert James
Middle Name: James
Last Name: Farrell


Age When Last Known Alive: 48
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Lunenburg
State: Massachusetts
Zip: 01462
County: Worcester


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Fairly short, thinning around his forehead
Body Hair: Average
Facial Hair: Average
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: black shorts, grey t-shirt
Footwear: penny loafer style-shoes
Accessories: Cash and medication only


Car was broken down and with a mechanic

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