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Charles Henry Kinkel Iii Missing Person News and Details

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Charles Henry Kinkel Iii Went Missing In Silver Peak Nevada in July 2013

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 24, 2013 at 09:19

Circumstances: Charles had taken a job transfer From a mine in Eureka County to Silver Peak, Nv. He Started his job in Silver Peak June 03,2013, and was scheduled to be home, July 26,2013 in Wells,Nv. He had plans to come up to Wells with a friend and bring his wife back with him and to pull their 32 ft Avion travel trailer back to Silver Peak, Nv.
Charles asked his wife for a wake up call. She called him at 4:55 AM on July 25th,and his cell phone just rang. She continued for the next 30-40 minutes. The last few attempts to reach her husband went to voice mail. No one has seen or heard from Charles since Wednesday night, July 24th. He never showed up for work or called in. Charles and his car,a 2010 silver Toyota Matrix, are missing. The car was found around noon on Thursday July 25th on highway 6 and 265 at Blair Junction the turn off to Silver Peak, Nv.

First Name: Charles Henry
Middle Name: Henry
Last Name: Kinkel Iii


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0
Weight: 140.0 to


City: Silver Peak
State: Nevada
Zip: 89047
County: Esmeralda


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown kept very short. Usually a military style.
Body Hair: Some chest hair.
Facial Hair: Some chest hair.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Has a scar in the middle of his back about 6 inches long.

Also has a small scar on chin which only can been seen when clean shaven.

Tattoos: Has a tattoo of a dragon on his left lower arm.
Piercings: His left ear is pierced twice.
Other Distinctive: Charlie can read lips due to him being almost deaf.
He normally wears a hearing aid in his left ear and one in his right.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue short sleeve tee shirt and blue jeans.
Maybe wearing also a black belt.

Footwear: Brown steel toed boots, men's size 9.

Jewelry: Two small gold hoop ear rings in his left ear.
Eyewear: Prescription eye glasses.
Accessories: Silver wedding band on his left hand. (size 7 or 7 1/2)


Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: Matrix
Year: 2010
Style: Hatchback
Vehicle Color: Aluminum/Silver
Tag Type: Dealer
Tag State: Nevada
Expiration Year: 2014

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