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Elvis Roberto Rodriguez Alva Missing Person News and Details

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Elvis Roberto Rodriguez Alva Went Missing In Eloy Arizona in July 2011

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Was wearing belt buckle pictured when he went missing

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 10, 2011

Circumstances: The group crossed on July 10th, 2011 supposedly near La Cierrita/Sasabe, Sonora. Around 2 or 3pm, the group left Elvis behind. They said that he was non responsive—he couldn't speak. He seemed to have become paralyzed. They said that they left him under a tree, near a freeway. They mentioned: “La Represa” “Los Bebederos” “La T.” They said that he was about 18 hours walking from Eloy, Arizona. The second version of the story is that he was abandoned unconscious in the Arizona desert (close to Eloy) on July 15th. He carried false ID in name of Edwin Roberto Rodríguez Rodriguez. He was left at the 'Represa' area, NE of the mines, there are pipes there that drain from local agriculture, the migrants go there to drink. Its muddy. The people that left him said that there was an old burned out truck about 1.5 hours after they left him. He was wearing the belt buckle pictured when he was left behind.
First Name: Elvis Roberto
Middle Name: Roberto
Last Name: Rodriguez Alva


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Male
Height: 61.0 to
Weight: 145.0 to


City: Eloy
State: Arizona
County: Pinal


Hair: Black
Head Hair: His hair is straight, cut with a #1 clipper over his entire head
Eye: Brown
Deformities: His pinky toe sits on top of the toe next to it naturally, although he can move it.
Scars And Marks: He has a cut scar on his left hand that is about a half inch long, in the shape of a straight line (cut himself about 10 years ago)
Piercings: He wears a black earring in his left ear
Skeletal Information: His pinky toe sits on top of the toe next to it naturally, although he can move it.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: blue jeans (size: 30x30), green long-sleeved T-shirt (size: M)
Footwear: white tennis (size: 5.5 or 6 US); white socks
Jewelry: Black earring in left ear, black glass rosary
Accessories: carried his wallet; camouflage backpack; black glass rosary; black belt with metal holes (rocker style) with a skull buckle (see images, he was wearing the same belt in the photo), cell phone (Iphone, maybe): number unknown


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