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Virginia Alice Welch Missing Person News and Details

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Virginia Alice Welch Went Missing In Roanoke Virginia in July 1982

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: July 09, 1982

Circumstances: Welch was last seen in Roanoke, Virginia on July 12, 1982. Shortly before her disappearance, she had moved to the Roanoke area to live with a roommate. She enlisted in the United States Army, but served for only a few months before being discharged for medical reasons.
A week or two after Welch was last seen, her mother became concerned because she had not heard from her in three weeks and asked Welch's roommate where she was. The roommate said Welch had walked away from their residence, carrying a plastic bag, and had not returned.

First Name: Virginia Alice
Middle Name: Alice
Last Name: Welch


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 67.0
Weight: 135.0


City: Roanoke
State: Virginia
County: Roanoke


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown. Curly.
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Tattoo of a red rose on her right forearm.
Tattoo of a hummingbird on her left breast.
Tattoo of eagle wings on right shoulder.
Rebel flag and the words 'live to ride, ride to
Cobra snake tattoo on her upper left leg.

Clothing and Accessories


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