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Andrew Lynn Redmon Jr. Missing Person News and Details

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Andrew Lynn Redmon Jr. Went Missing In Unionville Virginia in February 1993

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: February 22, 1993

Circumstances: Andrew Redmon and his wife, Sharon Kim Redmon, were last seen in their hometown of Unionville, Virginia on February 22, 1993. Sharon was employed at an automobile parts company in Fredericksburg, Virginia at the time. She phoned her employer and requested the day off from work. Andrew was employed as a truck driver with Panel Construction in Fredericksburg, Virginia at the time of his disappearance. Andrew and Sharon's young son was staying with Andrew's parents on the day the couple disappeared. Andrew's mother told authorities that he arrived at their home with some of their child's belongings and mentioned that he and Sharon were considering traveling to Florida in the near future. Investigators also determined that Andrew asked an acquaintance for money on the day he and Sharon disappeared. The couple's vehicle, a blue 1986 Oldsmobile Calais with Virginia license plates numbered HIQ-285, has never been recovered.

Andrew's family contacted authorities after they were unable to locate the couple by early March 1993, approximately one week after they were last seen. Law enforcement officers searched the Redmons' residence and discovered shell casings from a small caliber handgun, as well as a broken table and other evidence of a struggle. DNA testing proved that blood stains located on the carpet were from Andrew.

First Name: Andrew Lynn
Middle Name: Lynn
Last Name: Redmon Jr.


Age When Last Known Alive: 40
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 230.0


City: Unionville
State: Virginia
County: Orange


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue

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