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Hans J Lee Missing Person News and Details

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Hans J Lee Went Missing In Fort Lee New Jersey in April 2014

Actual photo
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Actual photo
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Last seen alive: April 07, 2014

Circumstances: Hans Lee's vehicle was observed parked at the Rockefeller Lookout off of the Palisades Interstate Parkway. It had been seen parked there for approximately seven hours. Lee's wife reported that he left home at 1000 hours but had not heard from him since. Lee was supposed to pick up their child from school at 1600 hrs but never showed up. At 2015 hrs, Fort Lee Police Officers made contact with Mrs. Lee who informed them that her husband was missing. He has not been heard from since 04/07/2014 at 1000 hrs.
First Name: Hans J
Middle Name: J
Last Name: Lee


Age When Last Known Alive: 50
Race: Asian or Pacific Isl
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0 to
Weight: 170.0 to


City: Fort Lee
State: New Jersey
Zip: 07024
County: Bergen


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown with some gray
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Brown birth mark on the palm of his hand. Unsure of which hand

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Light Blue t-shirt, beige pants, and Navy blue Ralph Lauren jacket
Footwear: brown laced GBX brand shoes


Vehicle Make: Honda
Vehicle Model: CRV
Year: 2000
Style: Wagon
Vehicle Color: Gray
Tag Number: YRT61U
Tag State: New Jersey

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