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Shelva Jean Rafte Went Missing In Pittston Pennsylvania in May 2006

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 28, 2006

Circumstances: Rafte attended her daughter's graduation party in Nicholson Borough, Pennsylania on May 28, 2006. She was accompanied by her boyfriend. They left together at 10:30 p.m. Rafte's boyfriend stated that after the party, he and Rafte went to his residence on Market Street in Jenkins Township, Pennsylvania. They had argument there and she left to walk home during the early morning hours of May 29. Rafte was last seen in the area of Market and River Streets in Jenkins Township.
Rafte resided alone on Cleveland Street in Pittston, Pennsylvania in 2006. Her home is about a mile from her boyfriend's residence. When authorities checked her residence, nothing appeared to be amiss. The television was on, the doors were locked and Rafte's car was parked in the driveway. She frequented the areas of Jenkins Township in Luzerne County, Nicholson Borough in Wyoming County, and the city of Harrisburg in Dauphin County; she has relatives living in all of those places. Rafte's loved ones stated she was under stress at the time of her disappearance due to her life circumstances. Prior to her disappearance, Rafte worked as a waitress at the Scott 60 truck stop on Interstate 81 in Scott, Pennsylvania. She knew many truck drivers as a result of her job.

First Name: Shelva Jean
Middle Name: Jean
Last Name: Rafte


Age When Last Known Alive: 44
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Pittston
State: Pennsylvania
County: Luzerne


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Shelva had very thick Highlighted Blonde hair, with her
Body Hair: Thin light brown eyebrows, very sparce eye lashes (hard
Facial Hair: Thin light brown eyebrows, very sparce eye lashes (hard
Eye: Hazel
Deformities: Shelva had a cleft palette, but it had been repaired at the roof of her mouth. Making her upper lip small.She spoke with a little distinction.

Scars And Marks: Appendectomy scar on her abdomen
Piercings: Ears Pierced and belly button
Finger And Toe Nails: Loved to have Acrylic fingernails(usually in a French Manicure) wore them long in lenght and was diligent about their care.
would also have her toe nails done to match. Her toes were short and very square

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Powder-blue shirt and denim capri pants with rhinestones on the back pockets and a pink purse
Footwear: sneakers, but could have been brown leather sandals

Jewelry: She was wearing lots of 14K Gold -Gold Hoop earrings
Many different strand of gold chains, and gold braclets. I believe she also had a watch on her left hand

Eyewear: She did have magnifing reading glasses, but only put them on if necessary


Her car was left in the parking lot behind her apartment

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