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Kshitiz Shrestha Missing Person News and Details

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Kshitiz Shrestha Went Missing In Irving Texas in October 2014

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: October 07, 2014

Circumstances: Backpack belonging to the missing person found at the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA by California Highway Patrol on 10.08.2014. Our attempts have shown that the ticket to fly to California on 10/08/2014 (Delta Airlines, Ticket # 00623702744534, Flight Conf # HLWN3W) was booked on 09/30/2014 (transaction posted on bank record on this day).

First Name: Kshitiz
Last Name: Shrestha


Age When Last Known Alive: 30
Race: Asian or Pacific Isl
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0 to
Weight: 165.0 to


City: Irving
State: Texas
Zip: 75061
County: Dallas


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Short, slightly curly hair, probably a hair cut with fades on the sides.
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Unknown
Footwear: unknown
Jewelry: unknown
Eyewear: unknown


Assumed to have taken a Taxi from residence at Irving, TX to the DFW airport. A transit at Minneapolis (DALLAS flight # Delta 5984 TO Minneapolis (Flight# Delta 1151) TO San Francisco. Assumed to have taked Public Transport once he got to San Francisco
Airline: Delta (Ticket# 00623702744534), Flight numbers: Delta 5

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