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Burlington Missing People Directory
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Sean Bryan Hawley
Chittenden County

Mikala Lynn Burrows
Chittenden County

Selinda Jean Winegar
Chittenden County
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Missing People in Burlington, VT News Headlines
Uncle pleads guilty to kidnap, rape, murder of 12-year-old niece

BURLINGTON, Vt., Aug. 27 (UPI) -- A Vermont man admitted Tuesday, in a deal that removed a possible death sentence, he kidnapped, raped and killed his 12-year-old niece in 2008, officials said.
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September 02 2013
Police Search for Two Students Missing in Kennebunkport
Police in Kennebunkport are searching for two young men who were last seen on Mills Road. The authorities say 21-year-old Zachary Wells, of Burlington, Vermont, and 23-year-old Prescott Wright, of Barnstable Massachusetts have been missing since Thursday. They were last seen drinking beer wit . . .
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December 23 2012
Serial killer told police he murdered people for fun
U.S. Attorney Tristram Coffin speaks at a news conference on Monday in Burlington, Vt. Authorities say they have confirmed that a man who committed suicide in an Alaska jail killed a Vermont couple missing since last year.
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December 08 2012
Suspected serial killer who killed self in Alaska jail connected to missing Vermont couple
BURLINGTON (AP) - Authorities say they have confirmed that a man who committed suicide in an Alaska jail killed a Vermont couple missing since last year.
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December 06 2012
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