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Nancy Lynn Green
Ohio County
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Missing People in Ohio County, WV News Headlines
Body found in Ohio river identified
west virginia
The West Virginia's medical examiner's office has identified a body found in the Ohio River as a Chester man missing since November. State Department of Health and Human Resources spokeswoman Marsha Dadisman says the body of 52-year-old Timothy Ralston was identified through dental records. In a news release last week, Hancock County Sheriff Ralph Fletcher said Hancock County 911 received a call ...
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April 25 2013
Body found in river may be missing man
west virginia
NEWELL—It could take several weeks before authorities know for sure whether a body found Tuesday on the Ohio River is that of Tim Ralston.
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April 18 2013
Missing man's body found in Ohio River
A missing Parkersburg man's body was found in the Ohio River near Marietta Friday. West Virginia and Ohio authorities remain on the scene Friday evening near Marietta Industrial Enterprises, where the body was discovered.
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April 14 2013
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